Translation TV Report 2 (after show / 07.08.2006 - aired 07.10)
by Amélie Beaumont CBVT
CBC/Radio-Canada, Quebec City, QC
Anchorwoman :
….played with
Scorpions Saturday night on the Plains of Abraham.
Reporter (Amélie) :
Yeah, I’ll talk to you about IN TRANCE, which members
were definitely living a dream and litterally floating as they went onstage, replacing the Scorpions. I have to say that is
it almost a fairytale for them. The members of this local group, doing their excellent Scorpions tribute show for more than
ten years, were invited by their idols to play onstage with them. Let’s look to a clip of this memorable event…
Reporter :
So, in front of an explosive crowd, IN TRANCE appeared
onstage in the middle of the show to play the song « Blackout ». People barely noticed something had changed onstage,
but most people realized something was going on when Scorpions came back onstage to join IN TRANCE. Let’s say that IN
TRANCE were honored by the Scorpions when singer Klaus Meine told the audience of about 100,000 people that IN TRANCE was
their favorite Scorpions tribute band and for sure the best in the world. We met IN TRANCE a few minutes after they left the
stage :
Paul :
It’s absolutely amazing! Probably the biggest crowd
ever seen here. What’s cool is that we may be a little responsible for this, maybe at a little percentage. It’s
an experience we’ve been waiting for a long time and we’ll probably never do that again.
Stéphane :
Nobody here could believe what was happening. Yeah, I
saw the crowd, but really, when the others came back onstage to join us, it did « HUH » in me and then I realized
it wasn’t a dream.
Steeve :
Incredible! Amazing band, the Scorpions. Very cordial,
very generous guys, as you can see and hear it right now..
Reporter :
Let’s say that Scorpions’ manager was stunned
by IN TRANCE, and of course, such an event can’t go uncelebrated, so it came to my ears that some guys of IN TRANCE
and Scorpions partyed until sunrise and apparently, it was discussed that in the future both bands may be united again for
something bigger.
Anchorwoman :
Well, all the luck to them. A nice fairytale for the big
guys with « skull » jerseys!