Translation TV Report 1 (before show / 07.07.2006)
Amélie Beaumont CBVT CBC/Radio-Canada,
Quebec City, QC
Anchorwoman :
….and there’s this show everybody’s
waiting for at the Summer festival, the performance of legendary German group Scorpions, Amélie, tomorrow night, 9pm, and
I think you have something to tell us about a Québec City
group who are doing a tribute to them…
Reporter (Amélie) :
I’ll talk to you about IN TRANCE, a Scorpions tribute
band founded by Paul Gagné, probably one of the biggest fan in the world of the German band. M.Gagné is on a very particular
mission, to keep alive the showmanship and musical heritage of his idols, and what’s special is that tomorrow night,
he’s about to live his dream, along with his bandmates, onstage with the Scorpions.
Reporter :
To this day, Paul Gagné devoted most of his life to the
Scorpions. When he discovered the band in 1982, he became obsessed to the point of trying to create his own version of the
Scorpions, which finally came into form in 1996.
Paul :
Scorpions is my religion. I spent all my teenage years
learning and dissecting all their music and the technical side, telling everyone, « you’ll see, one day I’ll
meet them. » Detractors kept telling me:
«You!? You’ll
fail, you’ll never get to meet them, it’s impossible! » Well, the opposite rather happened.
Reporter :
His uncompromised love for Scorpions got him to meet them
first personally in 1988 at the Colisée de Québec (Coliseum-big hockey arena). His passion led him to choose guitarmaking
as a living, which helped him making replicas of famous Scorpions guitars.
Paul :
I even built a custom guitar for Rudolf (Schenker) in
1994, which became a great business card for me and brought us much closer.
Reporter :
Very fast, a strong friendship started with the famous
Paul :
Rudolf calls me his « twin brother born from another
mother », even if were are years apart. It tells a lot.
Reporter :
IN TRANCE is known worlwide as the best Scorpions tribute
group. Proof that no dream is out of reach, IN TRANCE will join Scorpions onstage Saturday night, for one or two songs.
Paul :
We got an invitation from Rudolf and Scorpions’
management, to join the band onstage at the Québec City Int’l Summer Festival, considering we have been a serious promotional
tool for them around here during the last ten years or so.
Reporter :
The IN TRANCE guys just can’t believe what’s
happening to them.
Marcel :
I’m so thrilled, I haven’t sleep for days!
It’s so special…
Stéphane :
We’ll be with the champions, living this with them
on the same stage, amazing…
Reporter :
Judging by the enthusiasm with which they rehearse, the
moment tomorrow will probably be intense, and for sure, memorable.
Amélie Beaumont, Radio-Canada, Québec